English Language Challenges

¡Hello again bloggers!

This is my last blog of the semester and today I am going to tell you about my English language challenges.

I have had English since last semester and I think this has been the level I have enjoyed the most, because the teacher was the best and also we went back to face-to-face classes. I really liked the classes because I remembered some things that I had forgotten and I also learned new things that I had not seen in high school, and what I like the most is that the teacher makes us speak in English. I think that is very useful to practice.

I like blogs because they help us to improve our writing skills, but I think there should be less of them. I would like to have split evaluations of listening and blogging or that dialogues produced in class could also be evaluated. I guess that this kind of evaluations be more useful for our improvement.

I think I need to practice my spoken English more, work on my pronunciation which is what I struggle with the most and I need to generate ideas more quickly to be able to express myself correctly, in addition to having a broader lexicon and a better knowledge of connectors.

Outside of class, I don't use English much. Sometimes I try to watch series in this language to analyze how much I understand jaja, but in general I use it only for academic subjects, like reading books or looking for relevant information, which are almost always in English.


  1. you are absolutely right, the face-to-face English classes have been very good.

  2. In my opinion, the blogs are a excelent method for improve the writting skills, but sometimes I can't spend much time as I would like because I have to study for other courses.


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