Time travel to the past or future

Hi guys, this time I will talk about time travel! Sounds like something strange and fascinating.

If I could travel in time, I would like to go the future. I would like to travel 10 years to see everything I achieved. I have a project that I hope to start next year, and I would like to know if I have been able to do it successfully, also I would like to know on what I will be working and if I have formed a family.

Personally, I am not afraid to see how much my life changed, it scares me more not to have security about my future. If I see that I am happy, it will give me peace of mind in my present.

Another thing I'd like to know is how much I've traveled, because It's always interesting to discover new things, different ways of life and to meet different people. I hope that I have enjoyed my favorite places.

I would only travel for a short time, not to stay, because I want to live my process. It would be very difficult for me to adapt to such a different lifestyle from one moment to the next. Besides that, many people who are now in my life, will no longer be there and I could not say goodbye to them, thing that makes me very sad. 


  1. I think you are very brave to not be afraid to see your future, I admire you!!!!

  2. I admire the serenity to know about your future, you have a lot of security. That's cool!

  3. I find your way of thinking about the future interesting! Best of luck for your plans :)


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