Tell us about a subject you enjoy studying

Hello everyone! It's me again jaja, today I am going to tell you about my favorite subject of study.

My favorite subject of study is Materiality and Bioanthropology, what belongs to workshop 2 of this second semester in my career. Materiality deals with topics about Archaeology, where ceramics are seen, the lithic industry, pastes that are used to reconstruct the history. On the other hand, Bioanthropology are topics more related to Physical Anthropology, where TC are analyzed to conclude the death causes of individuals. Different software helps to reconstruct 3D models, giving more specifics details of individuals. Another practice is the panoramic dental radiograph, an element that helps to make an estimate of age in the individuals that have been found, among other specialties that have to do with the analysis of human skeletal remains.

I really enjoy both topics because they are related to the two mentions that I am most interested in my career. I am excited to know more about what I can do in the future. I learned with these subjects how important material culture is for the reconstruction of social life and that skeletal remains can reveal from sex and age to the diet that an individual carried.

The truth is that I always thought I would like both subjects. They totally met my expectations; I love being able to have classes that deal with these topics so relevant to professional training. 


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